About the Author

Hi! I'm Jessica. Honestly, I'm  not the greatest at talking about myself but I'll try to give you the basics without being *too* awkward.
  • I'm 21 years old.
  • I was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA but currently live in AZ where I attend college.
  • My majors are English and Public Relations and no, I don't plan on becoming a teacher. I believe teaching is only something you should do if you genuinely love teaching, which I don't.  I'd love to work in publishing or at a PR firm after college.
  • I'm not an organized person but I'm trying to become one. The purpose of this blog is to document that.
  • I have two cats. Black Bear (Bear for short) and Lady Grey (Grey for short). You'll see them in a lot of the pictures I post on the blog. They love to photo bomb. :-P
Books (fiction)
Music (many genres)
Cold weather (rain and snow included)
The beach
Trashy and non-trashy TV
Good food (Italian, Mexican, Chinese, Greek)

Hot weather. Especially when it's humid as well. Gross.
Bad drivers
Most vegetables

Pictures so you have a face to put to the author (and the author's boyfriend, since he's mentioned quite a bit in my posts and puts up with my random organization ideas):

Want to know more? Have a suggestion or request for what I should blog about? Let me know!

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