Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Kitchen utensils!

Okay, so there wasn't much to this project but I'm very happy with it because the kitchen utensils finally go in a drawer that they can all fit into without any rearranging or wrestling trying to make them fit. See, the kitchen utensils, up until last week, shared a drawer with the silverware.  Here's a picture of how crowded it was:
It was just...messy and it made it difficult to put the utensils away and take them out. And all this was unnecessary because there was another drawer in the kitchen not being used:
 (Yes, that is a fish tank in the background. We just got a bigger tank and haven't gotten around to selling/cleaning the old one.)
Isn't this drawer huge? And it was being completely unused! So all there was to do was move the kitchen utensils from their original drawer to this one! I wiped the drawer down with a Lysol wipe, let it dry and moved everything over (while also getting rid of utensils we don't use):
They were so cramped in the other drawer! Now, they're not cramped and there's room for more! :D No more dreading putting kitchen tools away! And the silverware drawer looks a lot better too:

And the counter space above the drawer:

When I told my boyfriend I was going to do this, he was against it. He didn't want me changing his system, he should get to pick since he's the cook around here, his kitchen utensils have been in that drawer since he moved in. In response, I told him I was only making his system better and I should get to pick because I do all the dishes and am always the one to put the dishes away. So, I moved the kitchen utensils. Once I was done, I let my boyfriend see what I'd done. I told him if he didn't like it, he could move the kitchen utensils back to their original drawer. He won't admit to liking it but he also hasn't changed anything. Compromise! :)

So, there you go. How do you efficiently use your kitchen storage?

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